StackZone AWS Core: v4.44.x Release
Release Notes
Eduardo Van Cauteren
Last Update 7 个月前
New Features:
- AWS Config Rule: WAF Global Rule Group Not Empty
- AWS Config Rule: WAF Regional Rule Group Not Empty
- AWS Config Rule: WAF Global Rule Not Empty
- AWS Config Rule: WAF Regional Rule Not Empty
- AWS Config Rule: WAF Global Web ACL Not Empty
- AWS Config Rule: WAF Classic Logging Enabled
- Added the ability to disable the yearly rotation for AWS KMS keys created by StackZone
- Several Config Rules are now enabled by default since they are required for the Operations > Advisor new feature:
- Config Rules Global:
Account Part of Organizations
IAM Access keys Rotated
IAM Password Policy
Root MFA Enabled
- Config Rules Regional:
- ASG: AutoScaling Group Capacity Rebalancing
- Backup: Recovery Point manual deletion disabled
- CloudFormation: CloudFormation Stack Notification Check
- CloudFront: CloudFront Access Logs Enabled
- CloudFront: CloudFront Origin Failover Enabled
- CloudTrail: CloudTrail Amazon CloudWatch Logs Enabled
- CloudTrail: CloudTrail S3 Dataevents Enabled
- CloudTrail: Multi Region CloudTrail Enabled
- CloudWatch: CloudWatch Alarm Action Enabled Check
- CloudWatch: CloudWatch Retention Period Check
- Development: API Gateway Execution Logging Enabled
- Development: API Gateway X-Ray Enabled
- Development: CodeBuild Project Logging Enabled
- Development: CodeDeploy Auto Rollback Monitor Enabled
- Development: CodeDeploy Lambda All at Once Traffic Shift Disabled Check
- Development: Lambda Function Concurrency
- Development: Lambda Function Dead Letter Queue
- DynamoDB: DynamoDB Autoscaling Enabled
- DynamoDB: DynamoDB in Backup Plan
- DynamoDB: DynamoDB PITR Enabled
- EBS: EBS in Backup Plan
- EBS: EBS Optimized Instance
- EC2: AutoScaling Group Created From Launch Template
- EC2: AutoScaling Group Multi AZ
- EC2: AutoScaling Group Using ELB Healthcheck
- EC2: EC2 Instance Association Compliance Status
- EC2: EC2 Instance Detailed Monitoring Enabled
- EC2: EC2 Instance Managed by SSM
- EC2: EC2 Paravirtual Instance Check
- EC2: EC2 Stopped Instance
- EC2: ELB Cross Zone Load Balancing Enabled
- ECR: ECR Private Lifecycle Policy Configured
- ECR: ECR Private Tag Immutability Enabled
- ECS: ECS Containers Insights Enabled
- ECS: ECS Fargate Latest Platform Version
- ECS: ECS Task Definition Log Configuration
- ECS: ECS Task Definition Memory Hard Limit
- EFS: EFS in Backup Plan
- Elasticache: Elasticache Redis Backup enabled
- Network: Classic Load Balancer in Multiple AZs
- Network: Elastic Load Balancer Deletion Protection
- Network: Elastic Load Balancer in Multiple AZs
- Network: Elastic Load Balancer Logging
- Network: Elastic Load Balancer TLS https Listener Only
- Network: VPC Elastic IP Attached
- Network: VPC Flowlogs Enabled
- Network: VPC VPN 2 Tunnels Up
- PCI-DSS: EBS Snapshot Not Public Restorable
- PCI-DSS: EBS Snapshot Not Public Restorable
- PCI-DSS: Elastic Beanstalk Managed Updates
- PCI-DSS: Lambda Function Supported Runtime
- PCI-DSS: OpenSearch Logs to CloudWatch
- PCI-DSS: RDS Snapshot Public Access Prohibited
- RDS: RDS Aurora Backtracking Enabled
- RDS: RDS Cluster Deletion Protection Enabled
- RDS: RDS Cluster Multi AZ Enabled
- RDS: RDS Encryption Enabled
- RDS: RDS Enhanced Monitoring Enabled
- RDS: RDS in Backup Plan
- RDS: RDS Instance Multi AZ Enabled
- RDS: RDS Instances Backup Enabled
- RDS: RDS Minor Version Upgrade Enabled
- RedShift: Cluster Audit Logging Enabled
- RedShift: Cluster Backup Enabled
- S3: S3 Bucket Event Notifications Enabled
- S3: S3 Bucket Lifecycle Policy Enabled
- S3: S3 Bucket Replication Enabled
- S3: S3 Bucket Version Lifecycle Policy Enabled
- S3: S3 Bucket Versioning Enabled
- SNS: SNS Topic Message Delivery Notification Enabled
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes:
- Added .Net8 to Supported Runtimes for AWS Config Rule Lambda Supported Runtime
- Fixed an issue with S3 AntiVirus where the Ruby SDK would not consistently build the URI correctly resulting in incorrect scanning request
- Added ServiceCatalog and KMS read permissions to SupportRole
- Fixed a small number of Info Panels
- Fixed AWS Price Updates subscription
- Fixed several fields validations in Provisioning
- Fixed subscription in AWS Price Updates
Known Issues
- STNO deployment fails when there are more than one StackZone enabled region in the Organization
- Remediations in Operations > Security Compliance > Rules may fail when executed
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