AWS Config Rule: ACM Certificate Expiration Check
Fernando Honig
Last Update 10 bulan yang lalu
Description: Checks if AWS Certificate Manager Certificates in your account are marked for expiration within the specified number of days. Certificates provided by ACM are automatically renewed. ACM does not automatically renew certificates that you import.
Trigger type: Configuration changes
AWS Region: All supported AWS regions except China (Beijing), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Asia Pacific (Melbourne), Europe (Milan), Israel (Tel Aviv), Canada West (Calgary), Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich) Region
How to Resolve Manually
Specified number of days by default in this rule: 30 days
To resolve this manually, check the expiration date of your imported certificate. Go to your AWS Management Console and select Certificate Manager (AWS Certificate Manager) and identify the NON_COMPLIANT one.
Import a new Certificate with a further expiration date or provision a new one using ACM.
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