AWS Config Rule: ALB WAF Enabled


Fernando Honig

Last Update 10 bulan yang lalu

Description: Checks if Web Application Firewall (WAF) is enabled on Application Load Balancers (ALBs). This rule is NON_COMPLIANT if key: waf.enabled is set to false.

Trigger type: Configuration changes

AWS Region: All supported AWS regions except China (Beijing), Africa (Cape Town), Middle East (UAE), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Europe (Milan), Israel (Tel Aviv), Canada West (Calgary), Europe (Spain), China (Ningxia), Europe (Zurich) Region

How to Resolve Manually

To resolve this manually, login to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the WAF & Shield service.

Click on Create web ACL and configure it as per the screenshot below. (Make sure to select the right Resource type and Region). Click on Add AWS Resources and find the desired ALB. 

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