AWS Config Rule: CodeDeploy EC2 Minimum Healthy Hosts Configured
Eduardo Van Cauteren
Last Update 7 个月前
Description: Checks if the deployment group for EC2/On-Premises Compute Platform is configured with a minimum healthy hosts fleet percentage or host count greater than or equal to the input threshold. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if either is below the threshold.
Trigger type: Configuration changes
AWS Region: All supported AWS regions
How to Resolve Manually
The rule will be marked as non-compliant if the value is undefined or if it's set to a value below the default one.
In order to resolve this head on over CodeDeploy service within AWS Console go to Applications and then click on the name of the desired CodeDeploy Application.
From there, click on Deployment groups tab and click on the name of the one you want to work with.Click on Edit button on the top right corner, locate the Deployment settings card and choose the desired Deployment configuration or create a new one.
Notice that the default values are 66% for minimumHealthyHostsFleetPercent or 1 for minimumHealthyHostsHostCount, so adjust the values accordingly.
Check the following screenshot as reference:
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