AWS Config Rule: Desired Instance Type


Fernando Honig

Last Update hace un año

Description: Checks whether your EC2 instances are of the specified instance types.

Trigger type: Configuration changes

AWS Region: All supported AWS regions

How to Resolve Manually

As part of StackZone governance and management, you define what are the desired instance types you want for your AWS Organization. If your instance is not within the defined ones, this rule will be marking them as non-compliant.

In order to define which instance types are the preferred for your organization, head on to StackZone console and go to Provisioning -> Global Options and under Configuration card check for the Desired Instance Type(s) field. Once there, choose the types that you want you EC2 machines to be built.

For a list of supported Amazon EC2 instance types, see Instance Types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

In the case that some instance is marked as non-compliant you can resolve this manually by either:

  • Change the instance type by migrating it to a desired type
  • Modify in Global Options the desired instance types to include one of the preferred ones

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