AWS Config Rule: EC2 Stopped Instance
Fernando Honig
Last Update 8 เดือนที่แล้ว
Description: Checks if there are instances stopped for more than the allowed number of days. The instance is NON_COMPLIANT if the state of the ec2 instance has been stopped for longer than the allowed number of days.
Trigger type: Periodic
AWS Region: All supported AWS regions except Africa (Cape Town), Middle East (UAE), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Asia Pacific (Melbourne), Europe (Milan), Israel (Tel Aviv), Canada West (Calgary) Region
How to Resolve Manually
To resolve this manually, go to the EC2 Management Console and find the Instance that is in Stopped state. This rule is only marked as NON_COMPLIANT if the instance has been 30 days or more in that state.
Either terminate the instance or create a snapshot and terminate it.
How to Resolve with StackZone
StackZone can remediate this AWS Config Rule for you if you wish, by allowing StackZone to automatically terminate all NON_COMPLIANT EC2 Instances in scope.
Note: If your EC2 Instance has termination protection enabled then this remediation step will fail. The remediation will not disable termination protection for you.
To enable this remediation, head on over to Provisioning -> Baseline Services -> AWS Config Rules Regional -> Amazon EC2 and enable EC2 Stopped Instance Remediation
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