AWS Config Rule: ELB TLS HTTPS Listeners Only


Fernando Honig

Last Update 5 bulan yang lalu

Description: Checks if your Classic Load Balancer is configured with SSL or HTTPS listeners.

  • If the Classic Load Balancer does not have a listener configured, then the rule returns NOT_APPLICABLE.
  • The rule is COMPLIANT if the Classic Load Balancer listeners are configured with SSL or HTTPS.
  • The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if a listener is not configured with SSL or HTTPS.

Trigger type: Configuration changes

AWS Region: All supported AWS regions except Middle East (UAE), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Canada West (Calgary), Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich) Region

How to Resolve Manually

Load Balancer Listeners are normally the first thing to configure when creating a new Classic Load Balancer. To ensure you are compliant with this rule, ensure you are using HTTPS (Standard Port 443) instead of the less secure HTTP (Standard Port 80) as a Listener.

Listeners can be re-configured after construction and you should always try to move from HTTP to HTTPS at your earliest convenience as the latter if a far more secure protocol.

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