AWS Config Rules: No Default VPC Check


Ryan Ware

Last Update há 10 meses

Description: Checks if Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) are Default. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if a VPC is Default.

Trigger type: Configurational Changes

AWS Region: All supported AWS regions

How to Resolve Manually

This AWS Config Rule is a custom policy rule which checks each region in your AWS Account to see if one of your Amazon VPCs are default or not. If it finds a default configured VPC, this AWS Config Rule will mark as non-compliant.

AWS Best Practices dictate that we do not use the Default VPC created in each region. When StackZone creates or invites a new AWS Account into your Organization, will remove the default VPC unless it is specifically tagged like so, prior to inviting an AWS Account;

Tag Key: expungevpc
Tag Value: false

If you have a Default VPC in your AWS Account and would like to remove it, follow these few steps;

1. Check if you have any resources inside your Default VPC

You will need to consider any resources inside this VPC prior to deletion. The Default VPC will be making use of default subnets spread across availability zones along with an internet gateway and default security group. On top of this, there will be a default ACL (Access control list) and default DHCP options set associated with your default VPC.

Any resources such as EC2 Instances inside this VPC are likely using the other default resources. Consider re-creating all of these in a new, standalone VPC.

2. Ensure all resources are working as intended in your new VPC

Before you delete all old default resources, ensure your new networking architecture is functioning correctly, as there is no way to rebuild the default VPC and other aspects as it were. Any services or resources on the default VPC won't be available after you delete it.

3. Delete the Default VPC from the AWS Console

This can be done from the AWS Console or AWS CLI. Once these resources have been deleted - this AWS Config Rule will mark your current region / AWS Account as COMPLIANT.

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