StackZone AWS Core: v4.47.x Release

Release Notes

Eduardo Van Cauteren

Last Update 5 maanden geleden


New Features:

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed permissions at StackZoneLimitedRole for Identity Management module
  • Divided StackZoneLimitedPolicy into two policies to meet with AWS requirements
  • Updated several labels in the Provisioning module to get the proper Draft Configuration at Status page
  • Updated several Baseline Services, Billing, Cost Allocation Tags and Tag Manager info panels
  • Synced permissions between StackZone roles   
  • Four AWS Config Rules now exempt StackZone created resources, they are;
  •   CloudWatch DataProtection Check
  •   CloudFormation Termination Protection Check
  •   DynamoDB Table Deletion Protection Check
  •   Cognito IDP Deletion Protection Check

Known Issues

  • Some queries in the Operations Module may fail due to timeouts if your AWS Accounts List and Regions are on the larger side ( >20 )
  • Remediations in Operations > Security Compliance > Rules may fail when executed

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