AWS Config Rule: Amazon EKS Cluster Latest Supported Version
Fernando Honig
Last Update 9 months ago
Description: Checks if an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster is running a supported Kubernetes version. This rule is NON_COMPLIANT if an EKS cluster is not running the latest version.
Trigger type: Configuration changes
AWS Region: All supported AWS regions except Asia Pacific (Jakarta), Middle East (UAE), Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Asia Pacific (Melbourne), Israel (Tel Aviv), Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich) Region
This AWS Managed Config Rule allows you to check the latest supported version EKS Cluster by AWS. This version is regularly updated by StackZone, ensuring you are always running the latest AWS supported EKS version.
You can review here the list of supported versions and the EOL support date.
How to Enable?
To enable this rule, go to Provisioning -> AWS Config Rules Regional -> Amazon EKS. Once there, locate the Check Amazon EKS Cluster Latest Supported Version. Check the following screenshot as a reference:
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