AWS Config Rule: ASG Cooldown Period


Ryan Ware

Last Update 2 years ago

Description: Checks whether Auto Scaling Groups have Cooldown Period Set.

Trigger type: Periodic

AWS Region: All supported AWS regions

How to Resolve Manually

A default value of 300 seconds is normally applied to newly created Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) when created in the AWS Console. The cooldown period is a setting for your ASGs that helps ensure that it does not add or remove additional instances within the group before the previous scaling activity has executed, and the cooldown period elapsed.

To view your Auto Scaling Group's assigned cooldown period, head on over to your EC2 Dashboard within the AWS Console and from the left hand side plane, choose Auto Scaling / Auto Scaling Groups.

Select your desired group, and within the initial Details tab, scroll down until you see Advanced Configurations.

As long as you have a value for this cooldown period, you will have this resource marked as COMPLIANT within this AWS Config Rule. If you do not have a value, you can click the Edit button and add a value in, or change it to a value desired for your environment.

How to Resolve with StackZone

By enabling this auto-remediation, StackZone will be able to automatically change this value to a pre-determined value of 300 seconds, in line with what AWS feel is the best practice value for this configuration.

StackZone will automatically edit these values for all Auto Scaling Groups marked NON_COMPLIANT by this AWS Config Rule, essentially having no cooldown period.

To enable this for your StackZone deployment, head on over to BaseLine Services / AWS Config Rules Regional / Set AutoScaling Group Cooldown Period Remediation and enable the remediation.

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