AWS Config Rule: Autoscaling Group Launch Config Requires IMDSv2
Eduardo Van Cauteren
Last Update 7 tháng trước
Description: Checks whether only IMDSv2 is enabled. This rule is NON_COMPLIANT if the Metadata version is not included in the launch configuration or if both Metadata V1 and V2 are enabled.
Trigger type: Configuration changes
AWS Region: All supported AWS regions
How to Resolve Manually
This config rule checks that only IMDSv2 is configured in the Metadata version in an ASG Launch Config. The rule will be marked as non-compliant if the value is set to "none" or to "V1 and V2 enabled".
To resolve this, head on over to the EC2 service and then go to Auto Scaling groups > Launch configurations.
Since you can't directly edit a Launch Config, you may want to delete the non compliant one if not needed anymore or make a copy with the proper values by clicking on Copy launch configuration button.
Check the following screenshot as a reference:
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