AWS Config Rule: S3 Bucket Versioning Enabled
Fernando Honig
Last Update één jaar geleden
Description: Checks if versioning is enabled for your S3 buckets. Optionally, the rule checks if MFA delete is enabled for your S3 buckets.
Trigger type: Configuration changes
AWS Region: All supported AWS regions
How to Resolve Manually
To resolve this manually, head to the "Properties" tab within your S3 Bucket and take a look at Bucket Versioning.
In here, you will be able to enable Bucket Versioning if it is not already enabled.
How to Resolve with StackZone
By enabling the Remediation of this Config Rule, you will allow StackZone to automatically enable S3 Bucket Versioning across all S3 resources marked as NON_COMPLIANT for this particular config rule.
StackZone will call an SSM Document capable of changing this configurational change.
To enable this on your StackZone, head on over to Baseline Services -> Config Rules Regional -> Amazon S3 and enable S3 Bucket Versioning Enabled Remediation.
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