Platform Updates: June 2023

Find here our platform updates during June 2023

Fernanda Santamaría

Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว


New Features:

  • We're excited to announce the release of the Users feature that provides enhanced access and control over user management and permissions.

    Authorized users will be able to invite and assign different roles to external users and also modify roles for the existing ones within the organization. Note that for this release you current Super Admin user, will only be able to create users with Admin permissions.

  • In the Operations > Resource Management* section, we introduced Compute as a new feature. From here you can select multiple EC2 instances and perform several actions on them simultaneously. This includes starting, stopping, rebooting, and terminating instances. By selecting the desired instances and choosing the action from the available options, you can streamline your management tasks and save valuable time.

    In addition, we have added the capability to execute specific actions on each EC2 instance individually. With a simple click you can now perform actions such as starting, stopping, rebooting, terminating, and even backing up instances.

  • In the Operations > Resource Management* section, we introduced Integration Services as a new feature. By selecting Amazon SNS, you can easily edit topic names, delete topics, and manage multiple subscriptions simultaneously. This centralized approach simplifies organization and streamlines your workflow allowing for more efficient resource management and increased productivity.
  • In the Operations > Resource Management* section, we introduced Networking as a new feature. With this update, you will have enhanced control over your VPCs, allowing you to make changes such as editing IPv4 CIDR, DNS resolution, DNS hostnames, and even deleting VPCs. Additionally, filtering options by Account(s), Region(s), and Tenancy have also been implemented to provide a more granular experience.

    *Note: The Resource Management feature is currently in experimental mode, you can access it and explore its capabilities by enabling this option in Settings > Organization Details section. However, please note that as an experimental feature, there may be bugs or unexpected behavior


  • We have introduced a significant enhancement to the bar chart in the Cost Management section. Now, by clicking on the services represented by the bars, you can remove them from the chart, discarding any services you do not wish to see. This feature allows you to have finer control over the services displayed in the bar chart, eliminating irrelevant information. With just a single click, you can hide the services that are not of your interest, providing a more focused and personalized view of your costs
  • In the Backup Audit section, we added more information into the tables such as creation date, expiration date, resource ARN
  • In the Cost Management > Summary section, we added a new behavior in the table, so when you enter for the first time the table will be sorted by Percentage in descendent order
  • A refresh button has been implemented in Provisioning > Status replacing the previous auto-refresh functionality. This way you can reliably know the actual status of a running AWS pipeline
  • The behavior when moving between AWS Services at Provisioning > Baseline Services > Config Rules Regional has been improved. Now you will be prompted to save if you try to move to another service and have pending changes

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in Backup Audit in which the Apply button was not working as expected
  • Fixed a bug regarding logging out of the console on session expiration.
  • Fixed a bug when entering for the first time in the Services Details screens took you to the second service by default.

Known Issues

  • NTR

For Provisioning (AWS Engine v4.35.x) release notes, please refer to the article linked here

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