Platform Updates: March 2024

Find here our platform updates during March 2024

Fernanda Santamaría

Last Update il y a 9 mois


New features

  • We've added new resource types to the Resource Finder section: Amazon Athena, Amazon EventBridge, AWS Secrets Manager, Amazon Route 53, and AWS Key Management Service.
  • We've introduced the Cost Allocation Tags feature within Cost Management. This feature allows users to efficiently manage and control cost allocation tags directly from the Cost Management module. With the ability to activate and deactivate tags, along with customizable filtering options based on status (Active/Inactive) and type (AWS Generated/User Defined), users can easily tailor their view and access pertinent information. The feature presents a comprehensive table showcasing key details such as TagKey, Status, Type, Last Used Date, and Last Updated Date, facilitating informed decision-making and enhancing visibility into tag utilization.
    This feature is released as experimental. To try it out, you will need to enable "Experimental Features" from the Organization Details.
  • We added the Advisor feature in the Operations module, which serves as a comprehensive toolset that not only identifies areas for improvement within cloud infrastructure but also provides actionable insights, visualizations, and filtering options to streamline decision-making and drive continuous optimization and enhancement efforts.
    This feature is released as experimental. To try it out, you will need to enable "Experimental Features" from the Organization Details.
  • New services added in Operations > Resource Management:
    • Networking: Elastic IP
    • Compute: AWS Lambda Functions
    • Identity Management (experimental)
  • Added new filter options in the Service Details > Cost Management module: When you select the Monthly Interval, you will have the possibility to filter periods by the "Last 6 Months" and the "Last 3 Months." When you select the Weekly or Daily Interval, you will also have the possibility to filter periods by the "Last 6 Months" and the "Last 3 Months."
  • Now you will be able to check Resource Count By Region, Top 10 Accounts by Resource Count, Top 10 EC2 Instance Types Used, Number of EC2 Instances Running Vs. Stopped, and EBS Volume Counts by Volume Type in the Operations, Overview section.


  • We've introduced doughnut charts to the Resource Management > Operations module, which provides more detail and visibility when applying filters. As this is a work in progress, you will be able to see this improvement only in the Databases section by now.
  • Added the Resource Type column in the Operations > Security Compliance > Rules section.
  • Added in the Provisioning section the ability to add new keys and values to the key-value table.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in Operations > Security Compliance > Rules; certain Config Rule links were missing. This bug has been fixed, ensuring that all Config Rule links are now properly displayed within the interface.
  • Fixed a bug in the Operations > Account Management section, where the filter was prioritizing alphabetical sorting over date sorting.
  • Operations > Account Management Screen:
  • Resolved an issue where selecting "Onboarding to StackZone" occasionally caused the Organizational Units dropdown to display non-StackZone Managed OUs.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Create AWS Account" button was always enabled, even when required fields were incomplete.
  • Fixed a bug in Operations > Security Compliance > Rules: Previously, the popup incorrectly displayed the associated Config Rules alongside the selected resource. Now, the popup accurately lists the associated resource name.
  • Fixed a bug in Provisioning where users granted the "Read Only" role encountered blank screens upon enabling the "Edit Mode."
  • Fixed a bug where the "Close StackZone Organization" button was not working properly.
  • Fixed a bug when executing a remediation request to AWS; it threw a "400 error."
  • General UI improvements

Known Issues

  • In the reports table, the search is conducted by page and not in a global manner.
  • Cost Management > Budgets: the "Clear All" button is not working as expected.
  • Cost Management > Budgets: It is not possible to deactivate an alert since, when you turn off the toggle, the "Save Budget" button remains disabled.
  • Cost Management > Budgets: It is not possible to save changes to a budget that have an alert until you modify the input threshold.
  • Operations > Overview: The "Global" is not being displayed when you "Select All" regions
  • Operations > Advisor: Save to Reports button remains disabled. 

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