AWS Config Rule: CloudFront Traffic to Origin Encrypted


Ryan Ware

Last Update 7 个月前

Description: Checks if Amazon CloudFront distributions are encrypting traffic to custom origins. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if ‘OriginProtocolPolicy’ is ‘http-only’ or if ‘OriginProtocolPolicy’ is ‘match-viewer’ and ‘ViewerProtocolPolicy’ is ‘allow-all’.

AWS Region: Only available in US East (N. Virginia) Region

Trigger type: Configuration changes

How to Resolve Manually

It is worth noting that the 'OriginProtocolPolicy' only applies to CloudFront Distribution Origin's which do not use Amazon S3 as an Origin Domain. If you use Amazon S3 as an origin Domain, this AWS Config Rule will not apply.

If you are using an alternate Origin Domain, such as API Gateway, you will see the Protocol appear in the Origin Settings, such as the picture displays below;

To ensure that we remediate this Config Rule if it is non-compliant, we must ensure that this Protocal is set to HTTPS Only

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