StackZone Feature: Access Management

User management for StackZone Console

Fernanda Santamaría

Last Update 3 bulan yang lalu

The Access Management feature in StackZone makes it easy to manage and collaborate with other users in your organization. You can assign different roles and permissions to users, send invitations to new users, and allow users from external domains to access your StackZone account. This can help you streamline collaboration, improve user management, and promote efficient workflows.

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the Access Management feature in StackZone.

Accessing the User Management panel

To access the Account Management section in the StackZone console, log in with your credentials and navigate to StackZone Settings > Access Management.

Once there, you will find a menu with three tabs: Users, Domains and Roles.

The Users tab allows you to review the list of users in your StackZone organization, invite new users to join, remove existing users and check session information for each enrolled user.

The Domains tab of the landing page allows you to review the list of domains added to your organization and add new domains.

Finally, the Roles tab allows you to find detailed information regarding the specific roles, creation date and check what assigned policies the selected role has.

How to invite users to join your organization

To add a user from a different domain to your StackZone organization, first add the domain if it doesn't exist already. To do this, go to Domains section and click the Add Domain button located at the top-right corner. In the popup window enter the domain name (e.g., and click the Confirm button.

Once the domain is added, return to the Users tab and check the Allow External Users checkbox (available to Super Admins only). Click the Add User button, also located at the top-right corner and fill in the required information, including the user's email address and desired role. Click on Confirm button to send out the invitation.

When the invited user receives the email, they can click the link to accept the invitation to join the StackZone organization. If they already have an account, they can log in and confirm the invitation. If they don't have an account, they can sign up to associate themselves with the invited organization.

How to delete users

To delete a user, click on the radio button next to their record and then click on the Actions dropdown and select Delete. A popup titled "Are you sure?" will appear, asking you to confirm the deletion.

To proceed, type "delete" in the text field, click the Confirm button to finalize the process.

Note: you can not delete a Super Administrator, you have to to transfer the super admin role to another user in your organization instead. This can be done from the Transfer Super Admin Permissions card located at the bottom of the screen.

How to change the role of a user 

To modify a user's role, find the user in the table, click on the radio button to select the user and then click on the Actions dropdown and select Edit.

You can choose from the following roles: Administrator, BillingAdmin, ReadOnly, ProvisioningAdmin, OperationsAdmin, and CostManagementAdmin.

Once you have made your changes, click on the Confirm button to update the records in the database and refresh the tables with the new information.

Note: you cannot change the Super Admin role from the table. To do this, you must use the Transfer Super Admin Permissions feature.

How to transfer SuperAdmin permissions to another user

To transfer the Super Admin role to another administrator user, locate the Transfer Super Admin Permissions card and enter their email address in the text field. Then, click the Apply button.

Notice that there can be only one Super Admin within the organization and the promoted user should be already an administrator.

Want to know more about StackZone and how to make your cloud management simple and secure?

Check our how it works section with easy-to-follow videos or just create your own StackZone Account here

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