StackZone Feature: Account Management

How to create or invite AWS Accounts to your Organization

Eduardo Van Cauteren

Last Update há 3 meses

With this StackZone feature you will be able to create an AWS account easily or invite an existing one to join to your organization.

If you are looking to onboard an account (make it StackZone managed), please see this article. To offboard an account from your existing StackZone deployment, refer to this article.

Create an AWS Account from StackZone

The process to create an AWS Account from StackZone is pretty straightforward. To do so, login into StackZone console and then go to Operations > Account Management.

Once there, locate the Add an AWS Account card:

Fill in the fields with a descriptive name and an email, both fields are mandatory. Finally, click on Create AWS Account button to start the creation process.

This will create a new account and locate it in the root OU of your organization, if you do not choose to toggle "Onboard it to StackZone"

Once the account has been created and it's ready to be used, you will receive an email into the given email address.

Onboard it to StackZone: This option gives you the control of whether or not the newly created AWS Account is also onboarded to a managed OU within your Organization. If you toggle this on, we will place it in a managed OU of your choice, and extend all StackZone Automation and Stacksets into this new account.

If you leave this toggled off, we will only place this new AWS Account into the root OU of your Organization, without extending any of the managed automation into this new AWS Account from StackZone.

Invite an Existing AWS Account to your Organization

The steps to invite an already existing AWS Account to your organization are similar to the ones for creating a new account. 

After logging into StackZone console, head on over Operations > Account Management. Scroll down to the Add an AWS Account card and click on the Invite an existing AWS account radio button:

Complete the email address field with the address of an existing AWS account (or the account ID), then write an optional message for the account's invite email and click on Invite button.

Once the recipient accepts the invitation, the account will be added to the root OU of your organization.

Want to know more about StackZone and how to make your cloud management simple and secure?

Check our how it works section with easy to follow videos or just create your own StackZone Account here

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