StackZone Feature: AWS Audit Manager

Introduced in v4.26.0 of StackZone

Fernando Honig

Last Update há 2 anos

The StackZone AWS Audit Manager allows you to create multiple audit frameworks. You can use AWS Audit Manager to map your compliance requirements to AWS usage data with prebuilt and custom frameworks and automated evidence collection.

It is configured as part of the StackZone Core Accounts Menu, under Security.

With AWS Audit Manager you can continually audit your AWS usage to simplify risk and compliance assessment and by enabling it with StackZone, you essentially build these frameworks with 2 clicks in all your accounts and enabled regions.

AWS Audit Manager

AWS Audit Manager helps you continually audit your AWS usage to simplify how you manage risk and compliance with regulations and industry standards. Audit Manager automates evidence collection so you can more easily assess whether your policies, procedures, and activities—also known as controls—are operating effectively.

AWS Audit Manager provides prebuilt frameworks that structure and automate assessments for a given compliance standard or regulation. Frameworks include a prebuilt collection of controls with descriptions and testing procedures. These controls are grouped according to the requirements of the specified compliance standard or regulation.

AWS Audit Manager assists in collecting evidence that's relevant for verifying compliance with specific compliance standards and regulations. However, it doesn't assess your compliance itself. The evidence that's collected through AWS Audit Manager therefore might not include all the information about your AWS usage that's needed for audits. AWS Audit Manager isn't a substitute for legal counsel or compliance experts.


We recommend you to enable this service and start with one Framework according to your industry vertical or compliance needs. 

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